Thursday, March 27, 2014


The semester came by too fast.

Half a school year's work culminated during the post-assessment. This session was the least session with our kids, and consisted of a basic assessment packet, very similar to the pre-assessment packet.

I've been worrying about Arvin's performance, but deep inside I knew he would do great. His reading comprehension, as well as following basic instructions and diction had all improved, and I felt so proud as he answered ore than 90% of the questions correctly. At first I didn't think much about it, but when I was compiling all of the lesson plans from this semester, I saw his pre-assessment packet last (my lesson plans are arranged chronologically, with the pre-assessment packet on the bottom) and I saw how from barely 13 letters of the 28-letter Filipino alphabet, he was able to write almost all of the letters in his post-assessment test.

This was his biggest improvement of all.

I couldn't have been more proud as I reverently placed his post-assessment packet in my clear book.

This semester was a very hectic semester, but it was worth all the effort.

Thank you, Literacy Training Service Program, for making me feel like a teacher for just a semester.

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